We are currently in a period of significant change, and with digital technology and 5G data speeds being rolled out across the UK since 2020 and the UK Governments target for the majority of people in the UK to have 5G coverage by 2027, Qualcomm estimates that 5G will support the production of up to £8.5 trillion worth of new goods and services by 2035 around the globe. Digital technologies will continue to evolve and play an important part in teaching, learning and assessment, and the global working environment.
There is now a greater emphasis on employer engagement and work readiness, which with the demise of the traditional high street and the recent unprecedented Covid-19 global crisis, the world of retail, commerce, politics, entertainment and communications are all now digitally online. The new BTEC Higher National qualifications in Business and Art and Design are designed to reflect this increasing need for high quality professional and technical education pathways at Levels 4 and 5, thereby providing students with a clear line of sight to employment, self-employment and/or progression to studying a university degree course at Level 6.
The unfortunate global pandemic and economic crisis has opened and provided new opportunities and ways of teaching and learning, which has enabled the Remote Learning Group (RLG) to offer people the chance of success through online access to Higher Education. Innovation and creativity are crucial to the future growth of the global economy, and digital technology is reshaping the economic landscape, demanding new business models and solutions that combine creativity with technological know-how and modern business skills.
“Today it’s not about where you work, but about how you work, and at the Remote Learning Group, teaching and learning is no different!â€
Link to the Remote Learning Group’s: Higher Education (HE) Courses
Link to the Remote Learning Group’s: Short Professional Courses
If you require any further information about applying for any of our courses, please contact our Admissions Team by emailing: admissions@remotelearninggroup.com